Nugaal University has developed a focused research program that is multi-purpose and draws on the University’s immense proficiency. NURI focuses on a specific problem that may cut across several disciplines are given priority on the Regional needs or Social economic growth and development across the country and selected themes like:
- Good Governance and Leadership
- Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding
- Sustainable Development
- Education for Development
- Community Health & Population Issues
- Historical and Social Cultural Issue
- Agricultural & Rural Development
- Islam and Muslim Issue
- Environmental and Climate Change
- Social Protection and Community Development
- Macro Economics and Entrepreneurship
- Computer science with appropriate Technology
Other Basic Research activities in NURI
- Workshops and Seminars
- Public Lectures
- Research Studies
- Base line Surveys
- Feasibility Studies
- Impact Assessments
- Opinion Surveys
- Public Debates etc.