Food and Nutrition Security Resilience Project (FNS-REPRO)
Nugaal University was selected by FAO to implement the Food and Nutrition Security Resilience Project (FNS-REPRO) in Lafweyne and Orgiyo villages of Hudun, Sool region with a focus on the fodder value chain in Sool predominantly pastoral systems, where frequent shortage of animal feed severely affects pastoral livelihoods, food security, nutrition and overall well-being. The fodder value chain is a priority that cuts across humanitarian and development interventions, with numerous missing links in between (particularly its access and use by poor pastoralists).
Fodder represents both a major need and opportunity, considering its scarcity, demand and market potential, and it being a recurrent need in humanitarian response that is difficult, costly and inefficient to import (as experienced during the 2016/17 drought). FNS-REPRO project will improve fodder availability and access while responding to these nexus challenges by (i) deliberately engaging poor pastoralists in animal feed production and range management practices; and (ii) supporting communities to produce fodder in ways that are climate-savvy and protect the environment.
This Project targets a total of 1 150 households on improved and inclusive access and management of local natural grazing rangeland resources in Sool Region in Somaliland. Nugaal University is therefore expected to provide support in: (a) mobilization and sensitization of beneficiaries, (b) establishment of community grazing systems, (c) training at community-level on improved grazing practices, (d) development of Natural Resource Management (NRM) plans and (e) provision basic inputs for rangelands utilization.
The support by FAO is intended to address natural resource degradation in order to improve inclusive access and management of local natural resources by establishing community grazing systems and development of NRMs in Sool region in Somaliland.
Activity:Establishing community NRM management action plans
During March the team from Nugaal University visited Lafweyn and Orgiyo villages to have a consultative meetings to establish frameworks at community level, equally represented by diverse groups of the community to establish the actual NRM management action plans and NRM management committees for each village. During the meeting have discussed a lot of important issues of NRM and established NRM management committees for each village.
The villagers have suggested crucial issues that are needed to be addressed in order to get fodder for the animal and preserve the environment these including: Planting the areas, that are destroyed by the tires of vehicles To make regular awareness of NRM To build dams for irrigation purposes To make a small fencing area for fodder production to show beneficiaries its importance.
NRM Action Plan Lafweyn Photos
Activity: Validation of the NRM action plans by stakeholders
On the same month of March the university organized meetings for dialogue and awareness-raising on the formed NRM plans and NRM committees while also capturing feedback from both at the community level comprising of representations from all the villages with NRM action and policy levels stakeholders drawn from the government and other NGOs in the area to finally have the developed NRM plans validated and endorsed by all stakeholders.
The Meeting further re-enforced the importance of customary institutions for the governance of natural resources, including rangelands, and how to improve the role they play in this particular project.
Upcoming Activities:
1- Preparation and submission of training plan per village for validation by FAO The university will prepare the training work plan and will submit it to FAO for approval. Then the details regarding the dates at which each training will be carried out and the distribution of inputs will be included so that FAO can have its own monitoring and oversight of field activities.
2- Capacity training of beneficiaries on NRM issues, improved grazing systems (IGS)
The university arranges training for participating families, NRM committees, and local NRM governance institutions on improved grazing practices (IGP) to manage local natural pasture resources that accommodate Fodder harvesting, storage and marketing, and application of appropriate rangeland and pasture management principles. Storage etc… It will provides general guidance on the topics that will be covered.
Since FAO already has the basic tools such as sickle fodder (hay) baling boxes and sisal twines which will be distributed to the beneficiaries for motivation after the training.
3. Capacity training on NRM to government extension staff and other stakeholders
Training of government officials at the local level and other personnel of local institutions such as universities, NGOs and international agencies. The training will encompass diverse topics of NRM.
The people of the two villages have agreed to build two warehouses for storing fodder, and the elders in Lafweyn have already marked the area chosen for the constrution of the warehouse, while the elders of Orgiyo will give us their feedback soon.