Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Agriculture & Animal Science

Faculty Information

Nugaal University has made significant progress in recent years, launching new faculties to address the educational gap in the region. The most recent program introduced was the Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Science, which established the first-ever Department of Agriculture in the history of the region.

This new program was based on comprehensive surveys conducted by Nugaal University from 2009 to 2011, which revealed that 85% of the local population were pastoralists, while 15% were engaged in agriculture. The surveys also identified the Nugaal Valley as an area with promising farming potential, but lacking in adequate farming techniques. Academic discussions on the survey findings led to the establishment of the new faculty, with a focus on Crop and Livestock Production. The Bachelor of Science in Agriculture program aims to transform the local Sool community from a predominantly pastoralist society to an agro-pastoralist one, by producing professionals capable of harnessing the region’s agricultural potential. This shift is crucial, as agro-pastoralists are generally less vulnerable to seasonal droughts, thereby enhancing food security. The Bachelor of Science in Agriculture program was officially launched in September 2012.

Faculty Objectives

  1. To train and produce qualified students who are more creative and innovative oriented personnel in Agriculture and animal science.
  2. To give extension training to farmers about fertility of soil, pests, diseases and weed management and livestock raising approaches
  3. To provide improved/ certified seed for farmers
  4. To provide technical consultancy and advisory services on Agriculture, livestock management and conservation of natural resource  including land and water to all agriculture and livestock development institutions 

Career Opportunities

The faculty prepares students for diverse careers in the region’s agricultural transformation such as: 

  • Construction of irrigation schemes, drainage system for irrigation channel –agriculture engineering
  • Nurseries set up technicians
  • Agriculture extension officers
  • Horticulturists
  • Soil chemistry specialists and soil laboratory technicians
  • Metrology for forecasting of weather condition.
  • Farm machinery – farm mechanization
  • Vocational training schools and universities teachers
  • Agronomists who deals soil and crop production
  • Entomologists and pathologists who deal crop pests and diseases
  • Agro-vet farm input supplies ( vet drugs, seeds, fertilizers , agro-chemicals , agriculture materials and equipment
  • Dairy technology specialists
  • Beekeeping production
  • Poultry production
Core Value

The vision of the faculty is to be center of excellence in knowledge such teaching, action, practical oriented and research center to ensure contribution of food security for the society through increased both crop and animal production in the region and country as whole, while Producing highly professional students who will handle food insecurity and environmental degradation in the country.

The faculty of Agriculture & Animal Science is driven by a sense of responsibility to the development of communities at the local, regional and national level. For this consideration of production both plants and animal

Transformative Stewardship

Cultivating a Sustainable Future

Why Study Here?

By studying at the Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Science, you will be part of a transformative and responsible initiative that is committed to cultivating a sustainable future for the region and the nation. The faculty’s core value of “Transformative Stewardship” will equip you with the knowledge, skills, and mindset to become an agent of change in your community, driving positive and lasting impacts in the agricultural and animal husbandry sectors.